Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Okay, so not my best photographic expedition. The AUC International Student Association threw us a welcome dinner at the new campus. I was rather ill that night, and mostly slept on a bench by a fountain.

We were given free Galabeyas. I liked that mine was sparkly.

There was some sort of Egyptian dance group-

and then some sort of dance party.


Mitch said...

aw, I miss you, Mari!

(Go ahead and GAG at that just like you GAGGED at my letter, lol. =p)

jenna leigh said...

oh my gosh i love that picture of you.

Unknown said...

Mariya, I am glad you updated your blog. I was checking everyday - you honestly have an art of taking pictures (wonder where you get it from :-) )
I miss you sweetie and I hope to see some more pictures of AUC and your apartment next time.
Be good and be safe.
I love you,

katie grosskopf said...

again with the sparkles...