Tuesday, June 3, 2008


This Saturday's day-trip adventure ended up being a visit to the Houston Museum of Natural Science.

The last time I visited the HMNS, Katie, Jenna and I amused ourselves at the Cockrell Butterfly Center and the Body Worlds exhibit- it was right before both Katie and Jenna left for the University of Texas, and I left to do the Massachusetts thing.
I was hoping to replicate that feeling over "forever together"ness I had felt then. This time we saw something I found more amazing than words could describe- Lucy, the 3.2 million year old Australopithecus afransis found in Ethiopia.
The exhibit surrounding Lucy was another wonderful idea, full of stories and anecdotes of Ethiopia's religious and historical background.

I fell in love with a beautiful butterfly that I found hovering over a small cluster of flowers. It just kept coming back to the same bunch, its wings beat so fast they seemed to almost disappear. It flew so close to my face that I felt it flutter on my face.

Later we went to see the dinosaur skeletons- Chrissy and Katie entertained me and my camera in front of the mammoth, and I found the triceratops to be gorgeous.

Last, but not least- during our micky d's lunch break I discovered the joyous art of overexposure on my camera. Katie's face and Brendan's lunch bag are proof that this camera was a great buy.

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